Investing in a better HVAC system for your center is smart. Properly maintaining it is even wiser.
Stough uses top-of-the-line HVAC equipment in all our plasma center new-construction and renovations. We can help you get peak performance from your system for the long haul.
It may sound simple, but not changing your furnace filters quarterly, or at least two times per year, could be costly to your operations.
Fresh filters increase furnace efficiency up to 80%.
Back To TopYour compressor radiator on the roof (with the metal fins) leads to a series of pipes filled with refrigerant. It compresses the air and gives up latent heat.
Once clogged, the compressor becomes an efficiency sink. Once or twice a year, take a bottle of compressed air and blow the dust and grit out.
Back To TopWe recently ran into a situation where a non-Stough HVAC contractor had botched the rooftop unit housing at a facility we were called to inspect.
The rack around the AC unit was not square or properly sealed, allowing a crack for outside air to get in. That caused water to run out of the plenum, leaking into the center interior.
It cost the owner a lot to fix.
Back To TopNew technology prevents expensive AC leaks by putting a solid-state sensor in the pipe drain pan that sends a signal when it gets full.
Another (inexpensive) solution is to place a secondary pan where you can check it often.
Back To TopStough offers cost-effective annual maintenance contract that involves all of the above, and more.
We can do the bare minimum, or everything possible to keep the high-quality system we chose and installed for you in peak operating order.
If we did not specify your HVAC system, no problem! Our property management team can take care of any system.
Back To TopTo streamline delivery and control costs, we take a prototype approach when possible, engage local civil engineering consultants for each project, and establish a working relationship with the local governing authority.