When you look at all your fixed costs, cheaper rent or a less-expensive manager may not be smart decisions. Look at the long-term big picture when making important decisions for the best outcome.
In real estate, location is everything. In plasma collection, the same holds true.
Let’s look at the math of two centers:
Don’t believe it?
One South Carolina Stough-built center with a hard-corner location produced 5x the plasma of a backstreet competitor (who tried to locate as close as possible to our beautiful new center) in 2021.
Back To TopFixed costs such as:
And more are a big part of your true costs.
When you go the cheap route, things are more expensive to maintain, and break down sooner and must be replaced more often.
It usually makes more sense in the long run to go the quality route (the Stough route).
Because you improve quality, your center will be more attractive to people passing by, and your staff and donors will enjoy being in your center more (and more apt to return and tell their friends.)
Back To TopHere’s a true cautionary tale:
Trying to save money on janitorial services, many a plasma center has found itself in trouble with the FDA, donors and employees.
FDA violations are very expensive. Donors and employees do not want to spend time in a filthy building, and will choose your cleaner competitors.
Back To TopTo streamline delivery and control costs, we take a prototype approach when possible, engage local civil engineering consultants for each project, and establish a working relationship with the local governing authority.