How your Janitorial Partner can help you Succeed

A good janitorial relationship can help improve center productivity—and save you money in the long run.

In your contract, be clear about how the service will be held accountable.

1. Spell out what you expect

Taking the time to put together your own detailed janitorial contract (never use the service’s contract) is time well spent. Be sure to include

  • daily,
  • weekly and
  • monthly requirements, along with
  • who will do the cleaning (names),
  • how much time they will spend cleaning per day,
  • how you will hold them accountable,
  • when and how their performance will be reviewed and
  • exactly how you want everything done: for example, clarify the need to clean floors AND baseboards. Many services use scrubbers and buffers that can scuff baseboards.

Floors should be cleaned weekly at a minimum, and bathrooms steam-cleaned once a month.

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Cleaning services cut corners to maximize profits. Keep them on their toes with supervision assigned to one employee.

2. Make cleaner supervision part of one employee’s job description

Unless holding the janitorial service accountable is a specified part of someone’s job, it won’t happen. Make sure the employee

  • interviews the people who will do the cleaning (and puts their names in the contract),
  • keeps tabs on the service with random drop-ins and
  • requires the service to track their work with a checklist and logbook with sign-in and sign-out.

The employee and the cleaning team can communicate via the logbook about damage to finishes, special projects, etc.

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3. Specify cleaning agents

Knowing HOW to clean plasma center surfaces can take a bit of training. For example, acid-based cleaners can corrode and ultimately destroy stainless steel and diamond plate surfaces.

These are expensive to replace. Make sure your cleaning service understands their role in lengthening surface and equipment life.

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A clean plasma center helps maintain donor and employee loyalty, keeps you in good standing with the FDA, and lengthens the life of your equipment, furniture and surfaces.

4. Revisit the contract every year

A janitorial service will be less likely to slack off if they know their contract is only good for one year.

Even if, after rebidding the contract, you decide to keep your current service, an annual performance review can set expectations for improvement.

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To streamline delivery and control costs, we take a prototype approach when possible, engage local civil engineering consultants for each project, and establish a working relationship with the local governing authority.